收稿日期: 2023-10-30
修回日期: 2023-11-20
网络出版日期: 2024-09-24
Spatial evolution and differences in driving factors of tourism dual circulation market efficiency in China
Received date: 2023-10-30
Revised date: 2023-11-20
Online published: 2024-09-24
为探究旅游双循环市场发展差异及驱动因素的异质性,借助超效率数据包络(Super-DEA)模型测度了中国31省域旅游业内外市场效率,利用条件核密度方法和地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析探究了时空维度下旅游双循环市场效率演进状况,并通过地理探测器工具,分析了旅游内、外市场驱动因素作用的差异性。结果表明:(1) 静态空间结构方面,中国旅游内外市场效率差距呈现区域分割现象,东部差异较小、中部差异最大。(2) 动态空间演进层面,旅游内、外市场效率重心均向西南方位转移,并且出现低效率区抱团、高效率区极化现象。(3) 驱动因素方面,产品供给层面的因素是推动内、外市场高效发展的关键,旅游产品和配套设施在内、外2个市场均扮演了重要角色,政府行为导向层面,市场化和信息技术对于外循环市场的推动作用要大于内循环。
程云洁 , 杨淋杰 . 中国旅游双循环市场效率空间演进及驱动因素异质性研究[J]. 干旱区地理, 2024 , 47(9) : 1606 -1616 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.614
To explore the heterogeneity of development differences and driving factors in the tourism dual-circulation market, this issue uses the Super-DEA algorithm to measure the efficiency of the tourism industry within and outside the 31 provinces in China, and investigates the spatiotemporal evolution of tourism dual circulation market efficiency by using conditional kernel density method and GIS spatial analysis. Through the Geodetector tool, we analyze the differences in the driving factors of tourism internal and external market. The results showed that: (1) In terms of static spatial structure, the difference in tourism market efficiency inside and outside China presents a regional segmentation phenomenon, with smaller differences in the east and the largest differences in the central region. (2) In terms of dynamic spatial evolution, the gravity center of tourism internal and external market efficiency is shifting to the southwest, and there appears a polarization phenomenon between low-efficiency areas and high-efficiency areas. (3) In terms of driving factors, factors at the product supply level are key to promoting efficient development in both domestic and international markets. Tourism products and supporting facilities play an important role in both markets. At the government behavior guidance level, the role of marketization and information technology in promoting the external circulation market is greater than that of the internal circulation.
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