收稿日期: 2023-05-16
修回日期: 2023-06-19
网络出版日期: 2024-07-09
Spatial and temporal variation characteristics of comfort index of human body in Xizang Plateau
Received date: 2023-05-16
Revised date: 2023-06-19
Online published: 2024-07-09
利用西藏高原38个气象站1981—2020年逐日气象观测资料及1970—2000年30 s空间分辨率气候数据,对人体舒适度指数(ICHB)及高原人体舒适度指数(PICHB)时空变化特征进行分析。研究表明:(1) 西藏高原近40 a ICHB呈显著上升趋势,整个西藏高原年ICHB升高率为0.76·(10a)-1,各气候区年ICHB升高率为(0.57~0.98)·(10a)-1。季ICHB升高率在时间上表现为冬季>秋季>春季>夏季。(2) 年ICHB和季ICHB的升高率在空间上表现为西部>北部>东北部>东南部>中部、南部边缘。(3) PICHB空间上表现为寒冷特不舒适、重度高原反应的区域主要分布在北部、西部及东北部的高山上;冷不舒适、重度高原反应的区域主要分布在北部、中部及南部边缘的高山上;冷不舒适、中度高原反应的区域主要分布在北部、中部和南部边缘等区域的较低海拔地区;凉较不舒适、轻度高原反应的区域主要分布在东南部和南部边缘地区;不冷不热舒适、无高原反应的区域主要分布在错那县南部和墨脱县南部。随着西藏高原近40 a和未来气候“暖湿化”的变化趋势,各地月ICHB、季ICHB、年ICHB明显提高,PICHB也发生相应的变化,均向着舒适度升高的方向发展。
李积宏 , 周刊社 , 张东东 , 普布多吉 , 张伟华 , 史继清 . 西藏高原人体舒适度指数时空变化特征分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2024 , 47(6) : 980 -992 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.224
Based on daily meteorological data from 38 meteorological stations from 1981 to 2020 and climate data with a spatial resolution of 30 seconds (approximately 1 km2) from 1970 to 2000 in the Xizang Plateau, China, we analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the comfort index of human body (ICHB) and comfort index of human body in plateau (PICHB). The results showed that: (1) Over the past 40 years, the ICHB in Xizang showed a noticeable upward trend. The overall increase rate of ICHB in the Xizang Plateau was 0.76·(10a)-1, with regional increase rates ranging from 0.57·(10a)-1 to 0.98·(10a)-1. (2) The annual and seasonal increase rates in ICHB followed the order, west>north>northeast>southeast>central and southern edge, and winter>autumn>spring>summer. (3) The PICHB indicated a cold and extremely uncomfortable environment, with severe plateau reactions mainly distributed in the mountains of the northern, western, and northeastern regions of the Xizang Plateau. Cold, uncomfortable, and severe plateau response areas were mainly distributed on the northern, central, and southern mountain edges. The cold, uncomfortable, and moderate plateau response areas were mainly distributed at lower altitudes on the northern, central, and southern margins. Cool, uncomfortable, and mild plateau response areas were mainly distributed southeast and east of the southern edge. Areas that were neither cold nor hot, felt comfortable, and had no plateau reactions were mainly distributed in southern Cona County and southern Medog County. In general, with the warming and humidifying climate trend in the Xizang Plateau, the ICHB significantly increased, and the PICHB shifted to a more comfortable state.
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