收稿日期: 2023-09-07
修回日期: 2023-10-19
网络出版日期: 2024-05-30
Change trend of vegetation cover and its response to soil moisture status in Weihe River Basin
Received date: 2023-09-07
Revised date: 2023-10-19
Online published: 2024-05-30
随着全球气候的快速变化以及渭河流域地区城市的快速发展,渭河流域植被生态系统面临许多挑战,研究区域内植被的时空变化以及对土壤干湿状况的响应有着重要意义。基于2001—2020年的MODIS的归一化植被指数(NDVI)与地表温度(LST)数据,对渭河流域的土壤干湿状况数据进行反演,通过线性回归、残差分析和贡献度分析了2001—2020年渭河流域生长季植被覆盖时空特征及土壤干湿状况的驱动与贡献。结果表明:(1) 2001—2020年渭河流域生长季NDVI均值总体呈现波动增加趋势,平均趋势率为0.47×10-2·a-1,植被呈恢复趋势,其中2012—2016年生长季NDVI均值受到人类活动的抑制作用呈现下降趋势。(2) 土壤干湿状况和人类活动对渭河流域生长季NDVI的影响迥异,土壤干湿状况的影响主要表现为影响较弱与缓慢增长,人类活动的影响主要以促进植被恢复为主。(3) 土壤干湿状况和人类活动对渭河流域生长季NDVI均值变化的贡献均主要集中于同向贡献,其中负向贡献只来源土壤干湿状况,占比19.77%,同向高贡献主要来源人类活动,说明渭河流域中人类活动是植被覆盖变化的主要驱动力。(4) 渭河流域植被整体受到土壤干湿状况和人类活动的双重促进作用;抑制作用主要集中于汾渭盆地农业生态区,属于人类活动的同向高贡献率分布区,说明目前人类活动是抑制植被覆盖增长的主要原因。研究结果可为渭河流域生态保护以及可持续发展提供更加精确的科学依据。
黄云博 , 张翀 , 王玉丹 . 渭河流域植被覆盖变化趋势及其对土壤干湿状况的响应[J]. 干旱区地理, 2024 , 47(5) : 841 -849 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.489
With the rapid global climate change and the swift urban development in the Weihe River Basin, the vegetation ecosystem in this region faces numerous challenges. Investigating the spatiotemporal changes in vegetation and their response to soil moisture conditions is crucial. Utilizing normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) data from MODIS for the years 2001 to 2020, this study inverted the soil moisture conditions in the Weihe River Basin, northwest China. Through linear regression, residual analysis, and contribution analysis, we thoroughly examined the spatiotemporal characteristics of vegetation cover during the growing seasons and the driving factors and contributions to soil moisture conditions from 2001 to 2020. The results indicate: (1) During the period from 2001 to 2020, the overall trend of the growing season NDVI mean values in the Weihe River Basin exhibited a fluctuating increase, with an average trend rate of 0.47×10-2·a-1. The vegetation showed a recovery trend. However, during the years 2012 to 2016, the growing season NDVI mean values experienced a declining trend, attributed to the inhibitory effect of human activities. (2) The impact of soil moisture conditions and human activities on the growing season NDVI in the Weihe River Basin diverged significantly. The influence of soil moisture conditions primarily exhibited a relatively weak and slow growth effect, while the impact of human activities was mainly characterized by promoting vegetation recovery. (3) The contributions of soil moisture conditions and human activities to the changes on the growing season NDVI mean values in the Weihe River Basin were mainly concentrated in the same direction. Negative contributions, accounting for 19.77%, were solely attributed to soil moisture conditions. On the other hand, positive contributions, indicating higher influence, primarily originated from human activities. This suggests that human activities are the primary driving force behind vegetation cover changes in the Weihe River Basin. (4) The overall vegetation in the Weihe River Basin is influenced by a dual promotion from both soil moisture conditions and human activities. Inhibitory effects are primarily concentrated in the agricultural ecological zone of the Fenwei Basin, which corresponds to a high contribution rate from human activities in the same direction. This suggests that current human activities are the main factor inhibiting the growth of vegetation cover. This study can provide a more accurate scientific basis for ecological conservation and sustainable development in the Weihe River Basin.
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