收稿日期: 2023-05-31
修回日期: 2023-07-13
网络出版日期: 2024-05-17
Ecosystem variation and ecological benefits analysis of the mainstream of Tarim River
Received date: 2023-05-31
Revised date: 2023-07-13
Online published: 2024-05-17
以提取1990—2020年植被覆盖度、遥感生态指数、人类干扰指数等遥感生态指标来反映塔里木河干流生态输水工程实施前后,生态状况变化趋势。将遥感生态指标作为驱动因子,提出一种改进的生态系统服务价值计算法,量化供给、调节、支持、文化功能的生态系统服务价值,分析各功能间权衡和协同效应的动态演变关系,对1990—2020年累积生态效益进行估算。结果表明:(1) 生态输水以来,干流有近1/3的区域植被覆盖度增加,较低、中、较高、高植被覆盖度面积占比分别增加17%、5%、2%、2.9%。(2) 上游生态系统服务价值先增加后渐趋稳定,中、下游生态系统服务价值先增加后减小再增加,表明中、下游对生态输水的响应存在一段滞后期,且受来水水量影响较大。(3) 调节和支持功能之间存在协同效应,供给与调节和支持功能之间存在权衡效应。(4) 生态输水后期,干流上、中、下游累积生态效益均表现出“边际效益递减规律”,据此从生态修复角度出发,给出断面年径流量的适宜范围,上游不超过42.5×108 m3,中游不超过21.5×108 m3,下游不超过3.5×108 m3。研究结果可为优化生态水水量配置提供科学指导。
胡瑞媛 , 畅建霞 , 郭爱军 , 王义民 . 塔里木河干流生态系统变化与生态效益分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2024 , 47(4) : 622 -633 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.254
In this study, remote sensing ecological indices such as vegetation coverage, remote sensing ecological index, and human disturbance index were extracted from 1990 to 2020 to reflect the evolution trend of ecological status before and after the implementation of the ecological water conveyance project of Tarim River. Taking remote sensing ecological indices as driving factors, an improved ecosystem service value calculation algorithm was proposed to quantify the ecosystem service value of provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural functions and to analyze the dynamic evolution relationships between trade-offs and synergistic effects among the functions. Cumulative ecological benefits from 1990 to 2020 were estimated. The results showed that the ecological condition of approximately 1/3 of the mainstream of the Tarim River had improved because of the implementation of the ecological water conveyance project. The proportion of lower, medium, higher, and high vegetation coverage increased by 17%, 5%, 2%, and 2.9%, respectively. The results of the ecosystem service value calculation showed that the ecosystem service value of the upstream increased and then stabilized, whereas that of the midstream and downstream increased, decreased, and then increased again, indicating a period of lag in the midstream and downstream in response to the ecological water conveyance and was significantly affected by the amount of incoming water. There was a synergistic effect between the regulating and supporting functions and a trade-off effect between the provisioning function and the regulating and supporting functions. Cumulative ecological benefits after 2010 followed the “marginal benefit decreasing law”. Accordingly, for ecological restoration, the annual runoff should not exceed 42.5×108 m3 upstream, 21.5×108 m3 midstream, and 3.5×108 m3 downstream. This study can provide scientific guidance for optimizing the allocation of ecological water quantity.
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