

  • 张菩 ,
  • 陈留勤 ,
  • 邵崇建 ,
  • 李文 ,
  • 杜丁丁
  • 东华理工大学地球科学学院,江西 南昌 330013
张菩(1999-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事丹霞地貌成因研究. E-mail: 2021110104@ecut.edu.cn
陈留勤(1983-),男,博士,教授,主要从事红层沉积环境及丹霞地貌成因研究. E-mail: chenliuqin@ecut.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2023-04-13

  修回日期: 2023-06-19

  网络出版日期: 2024-05-17



Features and causes of Danxia landscape in the Wensu Grand Canyon of Aksu, Xinjiang, China

  • ZHANG Pu ,
  • CHEN Liuqin ,
  • SHAO Chongjian ,
  • LI Wen ,
  • DU Dingding
  • School of Earth Sciences, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China

Received date: 2023-04-13

  Revised date: 2023-06-19

  Online published: 2024-05-17


由于造景岩石普遍为钙质和铁质胶结的砂岩和砾岩,丹霞地貌具有独特的景观特征和成因机制,同时因具有较高的科学和观赏价值而成为备受关注的旅游资源。东南湿润区丹霞地貌的研究程度较高,但是对西北干旱气候区丹霞地貌的研究还比较少见。以新疆阿克苏温宿大峡谷为研究对象,通过野外调查、样品显微镜观察、盐化学和元素地球化学实验以及ArcGIS面积高程积分(Hypsometric integral,HI)方法,探讨该地区丹霞地貌的特征和成因。结果显示:(1) 研究区呈现峡谷、山峰及峰林景观,以发育陡崖泥流林和顶盖型石柱为特色,其造景岩石主要为新近纪河流相红色砾岩和砂岩,硬度较高的砾岩层为形成顶盖型石柱提供了有利保障。(2) 红层位于温宿盐丘附近,岩石含盐量较高,主要的盐类型为氯化物、硫酸盐和硝酸盐。陡崖洞穴风化碎屑物样品中的大部分主量元素相对于表岩迁出,说明干旱气候下化学风化仍较活跃。(3) 面积高程积分显示研究区南部HI值为0.61,处于幼年期,而北部HI值为0.38,处于老年期,整体地貌演化发育阶段差别较大。研究区虽然降水量较低,但河流侵蚀作用明显,同时构造也是影响丹霞地貌演化的主要因素。


张菩 , 陈留勤 , 邵崇建 , 李文 , 杜丁丁 . 新疆阿克苏温宿大峡谷丹霞地貌特征及成因分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2024 , 47(4) : 576 -587 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.170


The bedrock of the Danxia landscape is predominantly cemented by calcareous and ferruginous cements; thus, it has special landscape elements and formation mechanisms. It has become an important tourism resource with much attention because of its high scientific and ornamental values. However, compared with southeast humid areas, little attention has been paid to the characteristics and causes of the Danxia landscape in the arid climate of Northwest China. The Wensu Grand Canyon in the Aksu Prefecture of Xinjiang was selected and investigated to explore the characteristics and causes of the Danxia landscape by field investigation, sample microscope observations, salt chemistry and element geochemistry experiments, and ArcGIS hypsometry. The results are as follows: (1) The study area is characterized by canyon, peak and peak forest landscapes, well-developed mud flow films along slopes, and cap rock columns. The bedrock comprises red fluvial conglomerates and sandstones of Neogene age. The hard conglomerate beds are favorable for the formation of cap rock columns. (2) The study area is located near the Wensu salt dome with a high salt content, and the main salt minerals are probably chlorides, nitrates and sulfates, as inferred from the salt experiment. Most of the major elements of sandy debris samples within caverns migrated compared with the surface rock, indicating active chemical weathering in the arid climate. (3) The hypsometric integral (HI) shows that the HI value of the southern part of the study area is 0.61, which suggests an early stage. The HI value of the northern part is 0.38, which indicates a late stage. Therefore, the geomorphic evolution and development stages differ in the study area. Although the precipitation in the study area is very low, river erosion is obvious. Tectonism is also considered the main controlling factor of Danxia landscape evolution.


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