收稿日期: 2022-10-23
修回日期: 2023-02-16
网络出版日期: 2024-03-14
Spatial differentiation pattern and influencing factors of national desert (rocky desert) parks
Received date: 2022-10-23
Revised date: 2023-02-16
Online published: 2024-03-14
以国家林业和草原局发布的125处国家沙漠(石漠)公园名录数据,综合采用空间分析、地理探测器和地理加权回归等方法,探测国家沙漠(石漠)公园的空间分异特征和影响因素。结果表明:(1) 国家沙漠(石漠)公园在区域上“北多南少”,建设时序上“先北后南”。(2) 国家沙漠(石漠)公园的最邻近指数为0.537,呈显著集聚分布特征,但集聚尺度和集聚规模差异显著。(3) 国家沙漠(石漠)公园空间上呈现“南疏北密、双核一带”的格局,空间分异特征显著。(4) 国家沙漠(石漠)公园空间分异的自然地理因素比人文因素的解释力更强,自然地理与人文交互作用效果显著强于各自内部交互作用。(5) 6个最佳作用因子对国家沙漠(石漠)公园空间分异的作用强度自东南向西北呈现正效应不断提高、负效应持续下降的变化趋势,西北地区受自然地理和人文的作用力最强。
关键词: 空间分异; 地理探测器; 地理加权回归; 国家沙漠(石漠)公园
慕石雷 , 杨玉欢 , 乌日陶克套胡 . 国家沙漠(石漠)公园空间分异格局与影响因素[J]. 干旱区地理, 2024 , 47(2) : 356 -368 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.552
This study is based on the data from 125 national desert (rocky desert) parks published by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. The spatial differentiation characteristics and factors influencing the national desert (rocky desert) parks were detected using spatial analysis, geographic detector, and a geographically weighted regression. The results revealed the following: (1) The distribution of the national desert (rocky desert) parks is “more in the north and less in the south” and the construction sequence is “first in the north and then in the south”. (2) The nearest neighbor index of the national desert (rocky desert) parks is 0.537, showing significant agglomeration distribution characteristics, but the agglomeration degree and scale are significantly different. (3) The national desert (rocky desert) parks show a pattern of “sparse in the south and dense in the north and dual-core belt” in space, with substantial spatial differentiation characteristics. (4) Physical geographic factors have stronger explanatory power than human factors for spatial differentiation of the national desert (rocky desert) parks,and the interaction effect between the physical geographical factors and the human factors is significantly stronger than the interaction of their internal factors. (5) The effects of the six factors with the strongest explanatory power on the spatial differentiation of national desert (rocky desert) parks showed a trend of increasing positive effect and decreasing negative effect from southeast to northwest, and the northwestern region was the strongest influenced by natural geography and human factors.
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