

  • 陈谢扬 ,
  • 李同昇 ,
  • 朱小青 ,
  • 徐博 ,
  • 朱炳臣 ,
  • 李炬霖
  • 1.西北大学城市与环境学院,陕西 西安 710127
    2.西北大学陕西省情研究院,陕西 西安 710127
    3.陕西省国土空间勘测规划院,陕西 西安 710054
陈谢扬(1994-),男,博士研究生,主要从事区域发展与资源环境研究. E-mail: 754866660@qq.com

收稿日期: 2023-03-02

  修回日期: 2023-06-21

  网络出版日期: 2023-12-05



Evaluation of land desertification sensitivity based on comparison and verification of actual investigation and observation interpretation: A case of Shaanxi Province

  • Xieyang CHEN ,
  • Tongsheng LI ,
  • Xiaoqing ZHU ,
  • Bo XU ,
  • Bingchen ZHU ,
  • Julin LI
  • 1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, Shaanxi, China
    2. Shaanxi Institute of Provincial Resource, Environment and Development, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, Shaanxi, China
    3. Shaanxi Provincial Land and Space Survey and Planning Institute, X’an 710054, Shaanxi, China

Received date: 2023-03-02

  Revised date: 2023-06-21

  Online published: 2023-12-05


将生态敏感性实际调查结果与观测解译结果进行对比验证并进行修正,对提升生态敏感性评估的准确性和科学性具有重要的理论与实践意义。基于遥感解译和气候观测数据,构建土地沙漠化敏感性评价指标体系,评价陕西省土地沙漠化敏感性,结合陕西省第五次荒漠化和沙化实际调查结果,对比验证敏感性评价结果,分析实际调查与观测解译结果间的差异,并对土地沙漠化敏感性观测解译评价结果进行修正。结果表明:(1) 观测解译结果显示陕西省土地沙漠化敏感性空间差异显著,极敏感区主要位于陕西省榆林市、延安市和渭南市。(2) 实测调查结果显示第五次荒漠化和沙化调查中土地沙漠化区主要分布于榆林市北部长城沿线地区。(3) 差异特点表明92.5%的实际调查结果土地沙漠化区域与土地沙漠化敏感性观测解译评价结果存在空间上的重叠,但只有71.8%的观测解译极敏感区与实际调查土地沙漠化区域间存在空间重叠。(4) 造成差异的原因在于数据来源误差、模型构建误差以及指标赋值误差3个方面。(5) 修正后的陕西省土地沙漠化敏感性评价结果显示极敏感区域主要位于陕西省榆林市、延安市北部和渭南市大荔县,较基于观测解译的评价结果增加面积110.41 km2。针对差异原因和特点,可以针对性的完善生态敏感性评价体系和分析框架。


陈谢扬 , 李同昇 , 朱小青 , 徐博 , 朱炳臣 , 李炬霖 . 基于实际调查与观测解译对比验证的土地沙漠化敏感性评价——以陕西省为例[J]. 干旱区地理, 2023 , 46(11) : 1813 -1825 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.091


Comparing the actual ecological sensitivity surveys with observed interpretation results for verification and correction is of great theoretical and practical importance to improve the accuracy and scientific rigor of ecological sensitivity evaluations. Herein, we focus on evaluating land desertification sensitivity in Shaanxi Province using indices constructed from remote sensing interpretation and climate observation data. The goal is to verify sensitivity evaluation results with the actual results of the Fifth Desertification and Sandification Survey in Shaanxi Province, analyze any differences, and ultimately refine the land desertification sensitivity results. The key findings are as follows: (1) The observation and interpretation results show notable spatial differences in land desertification sensitivity across Shaanxi Province. Particularly, the extremely sensitive areas are concentrated in Yulin, Yan’an, and Weinan cities in Shaanxi Province. (2) Actual survey results from the Fifth Desertification and Sandification Survey reveal that land sandification is primarily distributed in the northern regions of Yulin City along the Great Wall. (3) The difference characteristics show that 92.5% of the actual survey results of land sanding areas and land sanding sensitivity evaluation results exhibit spatial overlap. However, when assessing extremely sensitive land sandification areas and land sandification areas having spatial overlap between them, the overlap drops to 71.8%. (4) Various factors contribute to these discrepancies, including data source, model construction, and indicator assignment errors. (5) After addressing these discrepancies, the revised sensitivity evaluation of land desertification in Shaanxi Province shows that extremely sensitive areas are primarily located in Yulin City, northern Yan’an City, and Dali County in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. The revised evaluation expands the area of extremely sensitive land desertification by 110.41 km2 compared to the observation and interpretation-based sensitivity evaluation of land desertification.


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