收稿日期: 2023-01-31
修回日期: 2023-02-27
网络出版日期: 2023-09-28
Spatial pattern and influencing factors of patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin
Received date: 2023-01-31
Revised date: 2023-02-27
Online published: 2023-09-28
爱国主义教育基地是加强爱国教育、传承红色基因的重要场所。以黄河流域171个国家级爱国主义教育基地为研究对象,综合运用地理空间分析方法揭示了爱国主义教育基地的空间分布格局,并利用地理探测器工具测度了其影响因素。结果表明:(1) 黄河流域爱国主义教育基地类型结构不均衡,革命传统教育类占比最高,建设成就标志类占比最低。(2) 区域上整体呈集聚型分布,数量差异明显,表现为“上游多中游少,川豫多青宁少”的特征。(3) 核密度呈现以延安市为核心、4个高密度区和2个次高密度区的“氺”字型分布格局。(4) 冷热极化显著,主要以冷点区分布为主,热点区集中于黄河中上游的陕西省、甘肃省和宁夏回族自治区交界的8个城市。(5) 文化环境、人口规模和交通水平是影响黄河流域爱国主义教育基地空间格局的强势因素,其中红色旅游资源、文化场馆、人口密度、举办活动、参观人次、客运量是核心影响因子。研究结果可为黄河流域爱国主义教育基地空间布局优化和助推黄河红色文化高质量发展提供参考依据。
Abstract: Patriotic education bases are vital places to strengthen people’s patriotic education and enable them to inherit the red gene. Considering 171 national patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin as the research object, this study reveals the spatial distribution pattern of patriotic education bases by employing the geospatial analysis method, and the influencing factors are measured by means of a geographic detector. The study results show the following: (1) Based on the type distribution pattern, it is observed that the structure of patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin is uneven, mainly in the category of revolutionary tradition education, accounting for 60.23%; further, the category of construction achievement symbols is the least prominent among the education bases, accounting for only 6.44%, and the distribution ratio of the three types of bases varies significantly between provinces. (2) In the regional distribution pattern, the patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin showed significant clustering distribution characteristics at the basin scale, and the education bases exhibited structural characteristics of a higher number of bases located upstream and a lower number of bases located downstream. At the provincial scale, the education bases are mainly concentrated in the provinces of Sichuan and Henan, with the least number of bases in Qinghai and Ningxia. (3) Considering the density distribution pattern, the patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin show the distribution pattern of Chinese character “氺” shape with Yan’an City as the core, with four high-density areas and two sub-high-density areas. (4) Considering the distribution pattern of hot spots, the patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin show a distribution pattern of “hot at the center and cold at the edge”. The polarization phenomenon of cold and hot is significant, mainly in cold spots, and the hot spots are concentrated in eight cities at the junction of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia provinces in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River. (5) The cultural environment, population scale, and traffic level are strong factors influencing the spatial pattern of patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin. Red tourism resources, cultural venues, population density, number of events held for patriotic education, number of visitors, and passenger volume are the core influencing factors. The study results contribute to the knowledge base regarding the spatial layout optimization of patriotic education bases in the Yellow River Basin, thus promoting the high-quality development of red culture in the Yellow River Basin.
李建辉 , 陈琳 , 党争 . 黄河流域爱国主义教育基地空间格局及影响因素研究[J]. 干旱区地理, 2023 , 46(9) : 1536 -1544 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.041
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