

  • 宁雷 ,
  • 连华 ,
  • 牛月 ,
  • 盛双庆 ,
  • 高泽宇
  • 1.兰州交通大学建筑与城市规划学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
    2.南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,江苏 南京 210003
宁雷(1997-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事城市与区域规划等方面的研究. E-mail: ningleiplanning@163.com

收稿日期: 2022-07-18

  修回日期: 2022-08-18

  网络出版日期: 2023-03-31



Identification, classification and factors of contraction of urban development: A case of Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin

  • Lei NING ,
  • Hua LIAN ,
  • Yue NIU ,
  • Shuangqing SHENG ,
  • Zeyu GAO
  • 1. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    2. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210003, Jiangsu, China

Received date: 2022-07-18

  Revised date: 2022-08-18

  Online published: 2023-03-31


在推进“以县城为重要载体的城镇化建设,以县域为基本单元的城乡融合发展”的时代背景下,科学甄别县级单元城镇发展收缩状态、类型成为其城镇化发展分类施策的关键。通过构建“人口-土地-经济”耦合交互的城镇发展评价指标,借助象限图和耦合协调度模型,对县域、县城人类活动实体地域进行城镇发展状态识别和分类,并采用地理探测器进行因素探讨,最后以黄河流域甘肃段62个县级单元为例进行实证。结果表明:(1) 黄河流域甘肃段大多数县级单元发展态势良好,其中县域发生收缩的县级单元14个,县城发生收缩的共21个,大部分县城发生收缩与供给侧改革、去工业化相关。(2) 区域内绝对扩张型或绝对收缩型的县城数量均多于县域,各县城间城镇发展失衡,增减分化严重。(3) 社会经济发展水平、人民生活质量是影响黄河流域甘肃段县域城镇发展的重要因子,地方发展活力、开发建设力度是影响县城城镇发展的重要因子。(4) 县域与县城各主导因子的交互作用规律均表现为收缩型>扩张型,多个因子的共同作用有利于县域县城收缩发展态势的好转。研究提出了基于象限图的城镇收缩类型甄别方法,实证结果能够为黄河流域甘肃段各县级单元的规划建设引导提供依据支撑。


宁雷 , 连华 , 牛月 , 盛双庆 , 高泽宇 . 城镇发展的收缩状态识别、分类及因素探讨——以黄河流域甘肃段为例[J]. 干旱区地理, 2023 , 46(3) : 492 -504 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.359


Under the background of promoting urbanization construction, with county towns serving as an important carrier, and integrated urban-rural development, with counties serving as the basic unit, scientifically identifying the contraction status and type of urban development of county-level units has become critical to its urbanization development classification policy. This study constructs urban development evaluation indicators with “population-land-economy” coupling interactions, identifies and classifies the urban development status of human activity entities in counties and county towns with the help of a quadrant map and coupling coordination model, and uses geographic detectors to discuss factors. Taking 62 county-level units in the Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin in China as examples for empirical verification, the results are as follows: (1) Most county-level units in the Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin have developed well, including 14 county-level units that have contracted in counties and 21 county-level units that have contracted in county towns, and most contractions are related to supply-side reform and deindustrialization. (2) The number of county towns of absolute expansion or absolute contraction in the region is more than that of counties; the urban development in each county town is unbalanced; the differentiation of increase and decrease is severe. (3) The level of social and economic development and the quality of life of people are important factors affecting the urban development of counties in the Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin, and the vitality of local development and the intensity of development and construction are important factors affecting the urban development of county towns. (4) The interaction law of the leading factors between the counties and county towns is manifested as contraction>expansion, and the combined effect of multiple factors is conducive to the improvement of the contraction development trend of the counties and county towns. A quadrant map based on the urban shrinkage type screening method is proposed, and the empirical results can provide a basis for the planning and construction guidance of county-level units in the Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin.


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