

  • 杨梅花 ,
  • 程锦涛 ,
  • 郭佳星 ,
  • 李淑敏
  • 石河子大学农学院,新疆 石河子 832003
杨梅花(1979-),女,博士,副教授,主要从事区域发展与生态文明建设研究. E-mail: ymhshz@sina.com

收稿日期: 2022-03-22

  修回日期: 2022-05-04

  网络出版日期: 2023-02-01



Correlation analysis between urban scale distribution and physical geography in Xinjiang

  • Meihua YANG ,
  • Jintao CHENG ,
  • Jiaxing GUO ,
  • Shumin LI
  • Agricultural College, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China

Received date: 2022-03-22

  Revised date: 2022-05-04

  Online published: 2023-02-01


如何实现人口、城市规模和自然地理系统的协调及可持续发展,是城市化中人地关系面临的难题。以新疆91个县域单元为研究对象,基于研究区全域、六大地貌类型和七大水系分区3个空间维度,运用位序-规模法和人口Lorenz曲线法,对城市规模体系和人口分布格局量化分析,探究了新疆城市规模分布与地貌、水系空间分布的相关性。结果表明:(1) 地貌类型区系统规模分布相关系数为0.897,水系分区系统规模分布相关系数为0.951,表明城镇规模格局与水系地理因子关系更紧密。(2) 准噶尔盆地与天山北麓诸河区是2个突出的人口分布聚集单元,同时是地理类型高度叠加区,呈现出城市规模与自然地理结合的空间极化区。(3) 新疆各自然地理单元城市人口分布的异质性表现突出,地貌类型单元内人口集疏格局鲜明,水系分区单元内人口分布相对均衡,其中天山北麓诸河区人口集聚程度较高。总体来看,新疆城市人口规模区域差异特征显著,城市规模等级结构存在断层现象,城市体系发育不成熟,建议加强中等城市规模的发展,完善新疆全域的城市格局。


杨梅花 , 程锦涛 , 郭佳星 , 李淑敏 . 新疆城市规模分布与自然地理相关性分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(6) : 1958 -1967 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.115


A common problem of the human society-physical geography relationship in urbanization is how to achieve the coordination and sustainable development of population, urban scale, and physical geographical system. This research uses the rank-size rule and population Lorenz curve method to quantitatively analyze an urban scale system and a population distribution pattern from the three spatial dimensions, including the entire geographical region of Xinjiang, China, six geomorphological types, and seven water system partitions. Then, the correlation between urban scale and spatial distributions is presented. The results are as follows. First, the correlation coefficient of system scale distribution in the geomorphological type is 0.897, and the correlation coefficient of system scale distribution in the water system partition is 0.951, indicating that the relationship between the urban scale pattern and water geographical factors is closer. Second, the two prominent population distribution centers are the Junggar Basin and the district at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, which are highly superimposed geographical types. This indicates spatial polarization of the urban scale and natural geography in Xinjiang. Lastly, the heterogeneity of the urban population distribution in various physical geographical units in Xinjiang is obvious. The population concentration and distribution pattern in geomorphological type units are distinct, and the population distribution in water system partition units is relatively balanced. Overall, the difference in population size in Xinjiang is significant, the hierarchical structure is faulted in the regional urban scale, and the urban system is immature, suggesting that the development of medium-sized cities should be enhanced to improve the urban structure of the entire Xinjiang.


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