收稿日期: 2021-11-05
修回日期: 2021-12-16
网络出版日期: 2022-08-11
Characteristics of recent surging of Braldu Glacier, Central Karakoram
Received date: 2021-11-05
Revised date: 2021-12-16
Online published: 2022-08-11
喀喇昆仑山分布有众多的跃动型冰川,跃动机理存在异质性。使用Landsat、Sentinel-1A、TSX/TDX等多源遥感数据,获取了中喀喇昆仑布拉尔杜冰川在跃动期间冰川表面高程和表面流速变化。结果表明:布拉尔杜冰川从2006年开始,流速逐渐增加;到2013年之后进入快速运动期,最高流速可达4.9 m·d-1;2015年8月底,冰川表面速度急剧下降,随后保持较低的流速至2016年1月,而后流速再次增加,到同年2月初便进入平静期。2000—2014年冰川主干中上游有明显隆起,而冰川接收区明显减薄,最大减薄达89 m;2014—2018年冰川主干中上游以及各支流均有不同程度的减薄,冰川主干的接收区高程显著增加,最大增厚120 m。根据冰川表面高程变化以及流速变化的特征,认为布拉尔杜冰川的支流引发了此次跃动,且本次跃动受水文机制的影响较大;结合现有的数据和文献,推断布拉尔杜冰川的跃动间隔约为40 a;为喀喇昆仑冰川跃动研究提供更多的实例,也可为此区域冰川灾害预警研究提供参考。
王振峰 , 蒋宗立 , 刘时银 , 杨婧睿 , 马致远 , 王雯清 . 中喀喇昆仑布拉尔杜冰川近期跃动分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(4) : 1032 -1041 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2021.514
The Karakoram hosts a large number of surge-type glaciers. However, the mechanisms of glacier surges are not clear yet. In this paper, Landsat, Sentinel-1A, TSX/TDX, and other multisource remote sensing data were used to obtain the changes in surface elevation and surface velocity of the Braldu Glacier during the surge period. The results show that the velocity of the Braldu Glacier has gradually increased since 2006. After 2013, it entered a period of rapid movement, with the highest velocity reaching 4.9 m·d-1. At the end of August 2015, the surface velocity decreased sharply. The glacier then kept a low velocity until January 2016, when the velocity increased again. The rapid movement lasted only for about a month and then entered a quiet period. From 2000 to 2014, there was a significant uplift in the middle and upper reaches of the glacier trunk, whereas the glacier receiving area decreased significantly, with a maximum thinning of 89 m. From 2014 to 2018, the upper and middle reaches of the glacier trunk and its tributaries were thinned to varying degrees, and the elevation of the receiving area of the glacier trunk increased significantly, with a maximum thickness increase of 120 m. According to the characteristics of surface elevation change and velocity change, it is considered that the tributary of the Braldu Glacier caused this surge, which in turn is greatly affected by hydrological mechanisms. Combined with available data and literature, it is inferred that the interval of the Braldu Glacier’s surge is about 40 years.
Key words: glacier surging; surface velocity; surface elevation; TanDEM-X; Braldu Glacier
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