收稿日期: 2021-06-15
修回日期: 2021-12-12
网络出版日期: 2022-04-02
Multi-functional characteristics and type division of county villages: A case of Linze County in arid oasis agricultural area
Received date: 2021-06-15
Revised date: 2021-12-12
Online published: 2022-04-02
黄晶 , 薛东前 , 马蓓蓓 , 宋永永 . 干旱绿洲农业区村庄多功能特征与类型划分研究——以临泽县为例[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(2) : 606 -617 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2021.274
Village is the most direct unit to reflect the law of rural economic and social activities. The key to promoting rural revitalization is implementing functional classification at the village level. Taking the administrative village as the basic unit, using entropy weight method, their index, and advantage function model, this paper constructs a research idea suitable for identifying and dividing village development function. It considers Linze County, Gansu Province in the arid oasis agricultural region of northwest China as an example for empirical research. The results are as follows. The arid oasis agricultural area forms a spatial land pattern focusing on agricultural product production and ecological conservation. The villages form a multi-functional regional complex, such as agricultural planting, animal husbandry and breeding, industrial processing, business tourism, labor export, and life security. The overall spatial difference between agricultural product production and life security functions is small, whereas the spatial difference between nonagricultural production functions is large. Villages form different advantageous functional types due to differences in resource endowment, planning guidance, policy drive, and social needs. Spatially, they show the distribution law of “peripheral ecological conservation, planting on both sides of the Heihe River, animal husbandry and agriculture, and animal husbandry balance in the middle, labor preference for towns around the urban area, and government residence for agricultural tourism, business tourism, and comprehensive development”. Thus, forming a distribution pattern that focuses on agricultural production functions, inlays nonagricultural production functions, and surrounds the production and living functions with ecological conservation. Through the combination of top-down main function planning and bottom-up economic and social needs, the method of village development function identification and type division has strong applicability and practical guiding value. By consolidating the national main function orientation and ensuring the national food and ecological security, we can adjust and optimize the allocation of county resource elements to realize the complementary and coordinated functions of village development.
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