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干旱区地理 ›› 2012, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (02): 221-228.

• 气候与水文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 新疆乌鲁木齐830011; 2甘肃省环境科学设计研究院, 甘肃兰州730020; 3中国科学院研究生院北京100049; 4中山大学生命科学学院, 广东广州510275; 5中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司, 新疆库尔勒841000)
  • 收稿日期:2011-08-18 修回日期:2011-10-12 出版日期:2012-03-25
  • 通讯作者: 孙旭伟
  • 作者简介:孙旭伟(1983-),男,甘肃静宁人,硕士研究生,主要从事节水灌溉研究
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Guilspare requirement on soil evaporation and the vertical distribution of soil water and salt

SUN Xuwei123,JIN Zhengzhong1,XU Xinwen1,LI Shengyu1,XIE Zhiping4, SUN Cong13,ZHANG Xiaolei13,GU Feng5,QIU Yongzhi5   

  1. 1 Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011,Xinjiang, China;2 Gansu Research and Design Acdemy of Environment Sciences,Lan zhou,730020,Gansu,China)3 Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 4 Sun Yatsen University, School of Life Science, Guangzhou 510275,Guangdong, China; 5 Tarim Branch of Chinese National Petroleum and Gas Corporation, Korla 841000,Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2011-08-18 Revised:2011-10-12 Online:2012-03-25
  • Contact: SUN Xuwei

摘要: 塔里木沙漠公路防护林生态工程全长436 km,位于极端干旱的塔克拉玛干沙漠,造林树种以抗逆性较强的沙拐枣属(Calligonum L.)、柽柳属(Tamarix L.)、梭梭属(Haloxylon Bunge)等优良防风固沙灌木为主,防护林植物的蒸腾耗水和灌溉管理是防护林可持续的核心问题。为探求适合塔里木沙漠公路防护林的节水技术,利用微型蒸渗仪研究了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地咸水灌溉条件下Guilspare(浓度1.5 % v/v)施用量对土壤蒸发和水盐垂直分布的影响。结果表明:(1)Guilspare对土壤蒸发有显著影响,其施用量与累积蒸发量间呈对数关系。当施用量小于4.0 L/m2时,土壤日蒸发量在试验初期均表现为对照组(CK)大于处理组,试验中后期却相反;当施用量大于4.0 L/m2时,日蒸发量始终小于CK。(2)Guilspare施用量为6.0 L/m2的抑制效率最大,与其他处理(除7.0 L/m2)间差异达到显著水平(p﹤0.05)。(3)施用Guilspare对土壤蒸发第一阶段的蒸发强度有明显的减弱作用,其减弱程度与施用量的大小有密切关系,当施用量为6.0 L/m2时,蒸发强度最弱。(4)相同初始含水量条件下,表层土壤含水量和土壤浸提液电导率(除7.0 L/m2)均随着施用量的增大而变小;其他土层(除10~14 cm),两者均随着施用量的增大而变大。

关键词: 施用量, 土壤蒸发, 水盐垂直分布, Guilspare, 微型蒸渗仪

Abstract: The Tarim Desert Highway shelterbelt,436 kilometers long,locates in the hinterland of such an extreme arid environment in the Taklimakan Desert.Its main afforested species are Tamarix L.,Calligonum arborescens,and Haloxylon ammodendron,which are good windbreak and sandfixation trees with strong salt and drought resistance.The strong soil evaporation and capillarity make soil salts from irrigation move upwards with soil water and accumulate on soil surface gradually, even form salt crusts,and then soil evaporation and irrigation management become focuses of the shelterbelt sustainable development.In order to explore suitable watersaving techniques for the Tarim Desert Highway shelterbelt,a simulative experiment with Microlysimeter (MLS) was conducted to research the effect of Guilspare under saline water irrigation on soil evaporation and vertical distribution of soil water and salts in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert.In the study,a solution of 1.5 % v/v of the hydrophobic polymer Guilspare was sprayed to the aeolian soil surface at applied quantity of 0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0 and 7.0 L/m2,to text the inhibition on soil evaporation and effect on soil water and soil salt movement.The results show as follows:(1)Guilspare inhibits soil evaporation significantly and a logarithmic relationship was observed between its applied quantity and the accumulative soil evaporation,and at the quantity 4.0 L/m2 the daily evaporation of CK was always more than the treatments;(2)the inhabitation of the treatment 6.0 l/m2 was maximum and differed from other treatments (7.0 L/m2 except) significantly at P < 0.05,and in addition,the maximum inhibition was not arrived in early days but on the 10th day after the irrigation beginning;(3)Guilspare weakened the evaporation intensity at first phase obviously,the weakened degree had close relations with applied quantity and was maximum at 6.0 l/m2;(4)Soil water and soil salinity are most important factors to limit sandfixation trees growth.Therefore,soil moisture and soil electric conductivity of soil surface,0-2 cm,2-6 cm,6-10 cm and 10-14 cm soil layer were analyzed.According to analysis results,under the same initial moisture content,both the moisture and extract electrical conductivity (7.0 L/m2 except) decreased at the soil surface (0-2 cm) while increased at 2-6 cm and 6-10 cm soil layers with increasing Guilspare.Basically, the results are helpful for the development of highefficient water saving irrigation techniques and the establishment of reasonable irrigation strategies, and provide scientific references for the greening and water management along the whole Tarim Desert Highway shelterbelt.

Key words: equirement, soil evaporation, vertical distribution of soil moisture & salt, Guilspare, Microlysimeter


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